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Well here we have it, more than 30 amazing entries for the last MGC topic! Thanks SO MUCH to all of you, it was wonderful to see you all again and even some new people, that was a nice surprise! :D
A couple of smallish changes to normal procedure:
First, I'm going to run voting ALL MONTH. Voting will close and numbers will post at the end of January/Beginning of February.
Second, if you ran out of time but would still like to get something in for the archive, Go ahead and send it! I will add entries as I get them for the rest of the month, but they will NOT be set for voting.
Thank you again to RogueDragon for the mascot banner, it is still awesome and will be forever, I say so.
And thank you to everyone of you reading this, because it means you came to the site. Voting will be tough, I don't envy you the task of picking favs out of this pool of talent!! It'll be fun though! ^_^
Thank you all also for the kind words and well-wishes. I got weepy on more than one occasion. I'll miss you! Feel free to stay in touch! I'll still be around, I'm sure. ^_^ (also to the people who thanked me for the fish, you totally made my day. *L* ) ~~~Kess, Ekka and Pinto
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Title: Move, Shake, Drop in the Jazz Age! Artist: Rabid Andie [DeviantArt] This was a bit of an accidental submission more than anything. I've always had one eye on MGC, and now that it's almost the end, I deeply regret that I haven't submitted until now. But I've been so blessed to have seen so much wonderful art for the past couple of years! Thanks to everyone, and I hope my meager submission will bring some happiness to your day! |
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Title: Linara Artist: Laura Maynard AKA LinaraQ [DeviantArt] One of the best and I think most popular theme has been "Artists as Gargoyles." So -- here I am as a gargoyle. I felt it only fitting I submit this as my first and only MGC submission. I have watched the MGC grow and change over the years - pretty much from the beginning! I always wanted to submit something but never really had much time to do it between school and work. When I heard that MGC was going to be no more, it broke my heart. So many wonderful artists brought together for a common interest. I always made an effort to vote every month to at least participate a little. I drew this ages ago - while Gargoyles was still new. I wish I had something new to submit, sadly I do not have the time to work on it to get it colored. |
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Title: Oh, the Possibilities Artist: Apple [deviantART] I went with Steampunk Gargoyles, with a historical twist! Steampunk settings are usually in the 1800's, when the UK was extending a hand of friendship to Japan, so why not extend the hand of steam technology too? ;3 So we have Astoria teaching her new pal Kenichi about what technology could do for him. What a salesgarg! I'll certainly miss MGC, it's what started me drawing. :( But nothing but good memories from this site, so here's to a good run, MGC, and thanks for all you did. |
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Title: Home Sweet Home Artist: Harley [Deviant Art] September 09' The Dark Ages Challenge "The sun will rise soon, and we will sleep, but look there, those cliffs. I think we should gather the rest of the clan when we awaken, and make our new home there. Though this...Scott-Land has hostile Humans much like any place in the known world, I think we can deal with them...Those cliffs will do nicely...We will call it Wyvern" |
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Title: samurai hudson Artist: mike panas [deviant art] since clan ishimura has done as topic twice already (march 1999, july 2006), why not add one more piece. |
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Title: We Will Miss You Artist: Gold Demona [DeviantArt] For the last MGC, I chose "Song Lyrics" as the topic for my entry, using an excerpt from Johnny Cash's "I Will Miss You When You Go." So long, MGC, and thank you for all the fish......Wait. That's not right. O_o But seriously, thanks for all the good times. You will be missed. |
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Title: Ulquiorra Gargoyle Artist: Nyisha Haynes [Deviantart] I chose the May 2005 Entry which is General Anime. I decided to draw one of my favorite villains from Bleach: Ulquiorra |
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Title: Swan Lake Artist: Jin Takamatsu [liebestrauma] Last-minute inspiration struck a few days before I fly out for my Christmas break, so here we go. This is the November 2006 theme "Black and White" - I've gone for Swan Lake as it's got the black swan / white swan duality thing going on (and I still can't stop drawing ballet dancers!). This idea's been floating around my head, off and on, for years now... |
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Title: Crazy for you Artist: Nebulan [dA Gallery] I intended this to be for the "Wild Wild West" topic. It's a crossover with the stage musical "Crazy for You" about a wannabe dancer son of a banker from new york who finds himself in Deadrock, Nevada. ADDITIONAL ENTRY: MGC Catch-up - Just a bunch of doodles for almost every topic that I missed! I love you MGC and everyone here! |
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Title: Self Portrait Artist: william the bloody [William's Bloody Hell] The idea of choosing from any past topic was definitely intriguing. Of them all, the one I was the most disappointed to miss was the "artist as gargoyles" challenge. Since I can never figure out what to make my subjects DOING, and that goes double if the subject is ME, I decided to do my portrait with a twist: an homage to one of my all-time favourite self-portraits, that of Norman Rockwell. If you are unfamiliar with Rockwell's self-portrait, you can see it here. However, since I was drawing myself as a gargoyle, I thought it would be a neat idea to have me looking into Titania's mirror and seeing a magical reflection. I included on my drawing table some of my past MGC entries to say "thanks and farewell," or "so long and thanks for all the fish" if you prefer. |
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Title: Brothers Under the Stars Artist: Equigoyle [DevArt] Hey all!! Been absent for a LONG TIME. But I pop in on occasion. Anyway, this here's one of the entries - maybe the only entry at the moment - for the last MGC contest. This one fits under the submission of 'fanfic illustration.' It's Goliath and my dragon character Skye. He's Draco's son. Obviously. The fanfiction is written it just hasn't been posted yet. Keep an eye out or it on fanfiction.net or whatever the URL is. Anyway, its kind of a consoling moment between the two of them. Skye has lost his family and thus far no one has been able to help him find a way home. Goliath and Skye had been close since Skye came to Wyvern and hopefully this kind of shows it here. Skye's young though so he's not going to be gynormous or anything. ADDITIONAL ENTRY: Winters Frolick - Lexington, gliding alongside - or landing possibly, judging by the way I've drawn him here - Bronx and Nudnik. I probably drew Bronx too small for a pup, but I dunno I think he looks cute this way. ^_^ I am fairly pleased with how this came out. The shading could be improved but I kind of like Lex's outfit. I got the idea from Rita M... I think the clan needed a make over and I like what she did on Lex. I don't think you can do much else with the way his wings connect to his body so.... Oh! This is the 'gargoyles in winter' .... part ... thingy... Anyway... not much more to say so I'll just skidaddle. Merry Christmas everybody! |
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Title: Gargy Me Artist: NinjaMisha [DevArt] My entry is from the Artists as Gargoyles contest. Me as a gargoyle :) . |
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Title: It's a boy! And a girl! And a boy, a girl, anoth Artist: valaheri [DevArt] We know 3 things for sure: the hatchlings are breast-fed, in the rockery of the Mayan Clan there are about 30 eggs and just 2 adult female members are alive nowadays… so, now, do you really need a calculator to foresee the problem? A personal interpretation of the November 2002: Central American Gargoyles” and “February 2005: Hatchlings/Gargoyle Babies” contests. Lately time is tyrannical, so it’s just a last minute drawing – in my project it had to be a short comic-, but at least I managed to participate! |
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Title: Elder Gargoyle (September 09: Dark Ages) Artist: Steph This is an elder gargoyle of Clan Wyvern, possibly even Goliath's father. I thought an elder would be fitting to commemorate the closing of a great and long lived site. I only wish that I had been able to find the time to join in on more of the contests. |
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Title: If I were a Gargoyle Artist: Seri [Deviantart] I started the January '09 topic, but ran out of time, and didn't finish until this month. This is an adaptation of a photo from my wedding. I've used my totem animal, the dragonfly, for a crest, and put in a commbadge from my very first fandom. The freckles are real, although I have no idea how a gargoyle would develop any. |
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Title: Baby Registry Artist: Picasso576 I cannot draw to save my life... hence photoshop and screencaps. But the description for the final contest really touched me, so I wanted to do something about the clan's life also moving on. So in the grand tradition of "Gargoyles in otherwise normal situations"-based humor and recent personal experience (I swear, those registry scanners make people go insane!), I present "Baby Registry". I think the looks on their faces says everything we need to know. (Special thanks to Lynati, her screenshots site was a lifesaver). |
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Title: Lucy and the flower Artist: Shelby Baugher [DevArt] This is for the contest of North american road trip, Lucy and her family went to florida for the summer and she picked a flower and her father took a picture. that's all I have to say about this picture=) |
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Title: Orion Artist: Nola [DevArt] For my entry for MGC's last contest, Farewell!, I chose to draw from November 1999's topic, Ancient Ones. I did this because this was the month's topic I saw when I first found this site. (short story warning) Four year's ago, I was doing my 9th grade summer reading work for my Social Studies class, looking for pictures of Greek Gods and Goddesses. I wanted a picture of Iris, the Greek Goddess of Rainbows, and I found an interesting one. I clicked on it, and the site it had come from was MGC. I didn't realize that the site I had found was devoted to Gargoyles, the TV show I had loved in my younger years, but as I had to keep coming back to find that picture of Iris (done by the artist Pathrell), I finally realized just what a treasure I'd stumbled upon. Since then, I've looked through the entire archives two or three times, followed links to other artists' pages, and have participated once (to my great regret. I should have participated a lot more). Well, I've actually drawn for each of the topics since then, but I didn't have an accessible scanner/digital camera... Anywho, sorry for the long comment, and here's my picture of Orion, my personal Guardian angel (hence the feathered wings), as he would look as a Gargoyle. If you look closely, under his left wing (the right side of the picture), you can see the constellation itself. |
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Title: Tunnel of darkness Artist: Epantiras [DevArt] It's been a long time (too long) since the last time I sent something to MGC. I've decided to draw my favourite character as a tribute to the awesome show and to the awesome people of the Gargoyles fandom. My only regret is that I did not have enough time to improve this pic - my original goal was to draw the whole cast of characters but it would have been impossible due to my eternal lack of time. Farewell! |
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Title: Fireflies Artist: Neomae [Neomae's DA] I chose the February 2007 topic: Canon Romance. I think Brooklyn and Katana are a really cute couple =) *** This is the final contest of MGC and there is so much I'd like to say... But I think I'll keep it simple, because I'm pretty sure almost everyone here feels the same anyway: Thank you MGC for giving me so much inspiration and thank you very much for affording so many great pieces of art! I will really miss you! |
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Title: Gargoyle Muse Artist: MargGarg [Deviant Art Site] After all these years of meaning to submit something, I finally do so for the last one. Better late than never. This picture is using the categories Ancient Ones (a muse), Artists as Gargoyles (MargGarg) and a bit of Influence and Inspiration since that's what Gargoyles has done for me! |
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Title: Gargoyles of the Underdark Artist: Galsic [Deviant Art] I decided to take the fantasy route; more specifically, Dungeons & Dragons. For my drawing, I took a few well-known races of the Underdark and, uh, polymorphed 'em into gargoyles! Clock-wise from the top center: illithigoyle, duergoyle, svirfgoyle, and drowgoyle. |
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Title: Never an End Artist: Purplegoldfish [DeviantArt] Never an End to the Danger Never an End to the Romance Never an End to Gargoyles I guess you could file this under the "crayon" category lol. I used Neocolor oil pastels to color this, but they look like crayons. |
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Title: Bring it On Artist: StangWolf [deviantART] Well, it's not complete, but I did get something done in time for the last MGC, so I'm happy for that. Plus, this is my first attempt at a more humanoid gargoyle so I'm stoked and fairly satisfied with my attempt lol, it was definitely fun. This is Nathan and a new friend, she is as of the moment unnamed but hopefully won't stay that way long. They're having a bit of Winter fun with a good ol' fashion snowball fight ;) I hope everyone had fun, had Happy Holidays and is ready to ring in the New Year. To MGC, I'm sorry I couldn't contribute more and we'll miss you! Here's to a fond farewell *raises glass* Cheers! |
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Title: Stopping for Repairs Artist: MommySpike [MommySpike on DevArt] It would seem that Graeme has not gotten time travel out of his system because he's somehow managed to build his own Phoenix Gate. When he finds himself in the dark ages of Castle Wyvern in need of repairs, who better to ask for assistance than the one gargoyle who might understand how he thinks -- his great auntie Asrial. |
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Title: Katie & Mayu Artist: Megan [http://www.deviantart.com] This is just a sketch of my characters, LAST MINUTE ENTRY, I will miss Mgc=( Katie and mayu belong to the Manhattan clan, but the characters are mine, please dont use without written permission=) |
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Title: Thailog Meets Spaceballs Artist: D. Taina [Gargoyles Imagery Resource] This is a parody of that famous scene from Spaceballs of Lord Helmet playing with his dolls, only with Thailog, back when he was still with Demona. He's having some fun with the Elisa doll when she walks in... you can imagine how the rest of the scene plays out! There's a TV Parodies contest, but not movie parodies, but it still counts, I hope! |
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Title: The Would-be Princess of Denmark Artist: Amanda Garretson (aka travelingpantscg) [Deviant Art Gallery] For years I've wanted to the Shakespearean Gargoyles theme. I never got the timing quite right, and even this time around, I didn't have as much as I needed to finish, but I'm still so pleased to show this. I've always wanted to portray garg-Ophelia after she had drowned in the brook, and something about making this picture really long made it feel brook-y to me. :) Enjoy, and fantastic run MGC. I love you, and thanks for everything. |
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Title: Katana Artist: Amanda Albert [LJ] No theme really! Just wanted to draw something of Brooklyn's lovely mate. |
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Title: Goodbye MGC Artist: Coda [Coda on DA] a redo of Stone Sleep (Nov 2008) : Melusine crying about MGC's closing. |
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Title: Ne'er finished Garg!Me Artist: RogueDragon [RogueDragon@DevArt] I started this most likely for the January 2004 topic and never finished it, and thought I'd try and finish it this month... I then completely forgot... |
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Title: This Life Artist: BOBSZY (collab with Valaheri) [DevArt] *Admin note - concept and design by BOBSZY, drawing by Valaheri* From December 2004 "Song Lyrics" contest: Sevendust’s song "This Life" Scene from BOBSZY's fanfic "Unwanted Liaison." The character of Aurora belongs to Genocidalsmasher. |
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Title: Little Amp Artist: Cygna The topic I picked was Baby Gargoyles, even though I picture Staghart here to be more of a young child. Done in pencil. Antlers haven't come in yet and he has Bambi eyes. Yes, that's a Dalek he's playing with. |
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MGC website design © 2002
All artwork displayed © by the artist.